Santa Clause! Father Christmases at major stores including Hamleys are slapped with lists of rules


Father Christmas impersonators across the country have been given a list of ‘Santa clauses’ on how to treat children who visit them during the holiday season. 

The new rules and regulations have come a result of the #metoo movement and have been put in place to avoid complaints from parents. 

Outlets across the country, including the UK’s biggest toy shop – Hamleys, have enforced the new guidelines. 

Father Christmas impersonators across the country have been given a list of 'Santa clauses' on how to treat children who visit them during the holiday season. Stock picture

Father Christmas impersonators across the country have been given a list of 'Santa clauses' on how to treat children who visit them during the holiday season. Stock picture

Father Christmas impersonators across the country have been given a list of ‘Santa clauses’ on how to treat children who visit them during the holiday season. Stock picture

Outlets across the country, including the UK’s biggest toy shop – Hamleys, have enforced the new guidelines

Father Christmasses have been told they must keep their hands visible at all times, keep their hands on their knees in between photographs and avoid lifting children on to the laps. 

Parents should be encouraged to put their child on Santa’s knee while he makes sure to use simple language that cannot be misinterpreted. 

A source told the Sun: ‘For example, ”Have you been a good little girl?” or ”What would you like Santa to put in your stocking?” is now seen as a bit creepy.’

Hamleys declined to comment on the content of its guidelines.

To meet Father Christmas at the five-storey Hamleys in Regent Street, parents must fork out £39.99 per child.