Mother says she is forced to rely on food bank after her card was declined in Asda


Shantell Jones, 38, from Gipsyville, Hull, claims £474.90 worth of festive food was taken out of her account

A single mother of four says she will have to rely on a food bank after a payment error left her out of pocket and without her groceries.    

Shantell Jones, 38, from Gipsyville, Hull, claims £474.90 worth of festive food was taken out of her account from the Hessle Road Asda in Hull.     

On Wednesday morning Ms Jones visited the supermarket in west Hull to do her shopping ahead of the festive period.

At the till Ms Jones entered her PIN as normal but was asked to re-enter her card and try again by the shop assistant.  

Ms Jones, of Gipsyville, Hull, said: ‘I put my card in and paid and the lady asked me to take my card out and wipe it and enter it again.’ 

‘I felt so embarrassed, I felt the whole world was looking at me and I had to show some woman my online bank statement,’ Ms Jones said. 

On Wednesday morning Ms Jones visited the Asda supermarket in west Hull to do her shopping ahead of the festive period

On Wednesday morning Ms Jones visited the Asda supermarket in west Hull to do her shopping ahead of the festive period

On Wednesday morning Ms Jones visited the Asda supermarket in west Hull to do her shopping ahead of the festive period

The card was then declined and Ms Jones’ was told she was not allowed to take her shopping away.

Now, the mother of four, who relies on Universal Credit said she has been left without means of providing for herself or her children.

‘I have nothing. I’m going to have to go to social services to get a food parcel,’ she said.

She explained her daughter, who acts as Ms Jones’ carer, normally does her shopping due to her anxiety and physical disability.

Now, Ms Jones, a mother of four, who relies on Universal Credit said she has been left without means of providing for herself or her children

Now, Ms Jones, a mother of four, who relies on Universal Credit said she has been left without means of providing for herself or her children

Now, Ms Jones, a mother of four, who relies on Universal Credit said she has been left without means of providing for herself or her children

‘I spent four hours getting everything. I don’t like to go at busy times because of my anxiety,’ she said.

‘I got Christmas presents and food and things like selections boxes’ 

Ms Jones said she showed the cashier her online bank statement to show the transaction had taken the money from her account and was pending to leave.  

‘I was full of panic. I didn’t have enough money in my account to take it out twice,’ she said.

Ms Jones said the manager then came over but refused to accept she had paid and would not allow her to leave with the shopping.

She said: ‘The cashier told the manger my statement showed that the money did go out but they were having none of it.

‘I was actually raging – I was in tears.’

After visiting the city centre branch of her bank, who confirmed the money had left her account, Ms Jones went back to the store but failed to resolve the situation and was unable to secure her money back or retrieve her shopping.

An Asda spokesman has said: ‘We want all of our customers to have a positive shopping experience with Asda and are sorry that unfortunately on this occasion an error occurred which meant there was an issue with this individual card transaction.

‘We would encourage Ms Jones to get back in touch with us through customer services so we can