Brits aren’t genetically suited to wake up in time to start work at 9am


The majority of working Brits are not genetically suited to wake up in time to start work at 9am, according to new research.

New data from consumer genetics company, 23andMe has revealed that the average person’s genetic wake-up time is 7.55am, but with a typical commute of an hour, this leaves little time to get ready and into work for 9am. 

It also found that the only generation with a genetic wake time compatible with the 9-5 day are those soon to retired – aged 60 plus – who naturally rise at 6.54am.  

By setting an alarm to make the traditional 9-5 shift, Dr Neil Stanley argued people are at risk of minimising their chances of waking up in REM sleep – the optimal physiological state to transition from sleep to waking.  

The findings appear to suggest a need to consider more flexible working, which could improve the nation’s overall health and productivity.

New data from consumer genetics company, 23andMe found that the average person's genetic wake-up time is 7.55am. Pictured, stock image

New data from consumer genetics company, 23andMe found that the average person's genetic wake-up time is 7.55am. Pictured, stock image

New data from consumer genetics company, 23andMe found that the average person’s genetic wake-up time is 7.55am. Pictured, stock image

Other research concluded that those in their 50s genetically wake up at 7.22am, people in their 40s at 7.50am, 30s at 8.19am and 20s, 8.47am.

The research was conducted by calculating a person’s average wake time by performing a GWAS (genome wide association study) on a global survey asking over 526,000 participants whether or not they were a ‘morning person’ or ‘night owl’.

This then identified 450 variants associated with being a morning person or night person, which was then used in conjunction with age and sex data in a separate sample of 70,000 participants.

The results built a statistical model to predict a participant’s average wake-up time on non-workdays, based on a separate survey question.

This was as follows: ‘On a typical non-workday during the past 6 weeks, when you were able to wake up on your own, at what time did you wake up? 

The study also found that the only generation with a genetic wake time compatible with the 9-5 day are those soon to retired - aged 60 plus - who naturally rise at 6.54am. Pictured, stock image

The study also found that the only generation with a genetic wake time compatible with the 9-5 day are those soon to retired - aged 60 plus - who naturally rise at 6.54am. Pictured, stock image

The study also found that the only generation with a genetic wake time compatible with the 9-5 day are those soon to retired – aged 60 plus – who naturally rise at 6.54am. Pictured, stock image

This is the time at which you open your eyes and wake up before getting out of bed, as opposed to the time at which you actually get out of bed. Your best guess is fine.’

Sleep expert, Dr. Neil Stanley commented: 

‘Waking up at the natural end of our sleep cycle, in REM, means that the body and brain are in the best position to “hit the ground running” ahead of the working day. 

By setting an alarm we minimise our chances of doing so and therefore risk impacting our mental, physical and emotional wellbeing – all of which has been proven to lead to lower productivity levels and higher rates of errors in the workplace.

‘The traditional 9-5 day originates from the Industrial Revolution in Britain, where factory working transformed ways of working for Brits across the nation.’

‘Now with huge advances in technology and subsequent changes to job roles, we should adapt with the times and embrace flexible working to allow for these differences in our genetic sleep patterns.’

Further research from the study revealed Brits admit to working on ‘autopilot’ for three out of the five working days and waste an average of one hour and 22 minutes a day as a result of feeling tired. 

It was found that waking up in the wrong part of your sleep cycle can have a negative impact on your wellbeing, making you liable to low moods, irritability and impaired cognitive function – all of which can affect working performance.

When analysing current work patterns, almost a third of Brits said there’s no flexibility in their workplace (32 per cent), while 46 per cent believe their overall health would benefit if they were able to work more flexibly. 

Meanwhile, the rigid working day has become too much of a strain for some as over a third of Brits (37 per cent) admit they are considering going freelance in a bid to improve their work-life balance, with 15 per cent having already made the move.

Of those who reported to being able to work more flexible hours, 63 per cent feel happier, 60 per cent more refreshed and a further 60 per cent admit to being more productive.